May 20, 2024

5 golden rules to keep your tan

Sweep the dead cells
Contrary to popular belief, the scrub does not remove the tan but promotes its homogeneity and allows for a brighter complexion. So remember to make a scrubbing care at a rate of once a week. It will rid you of dead cells and oxygenate your skin. No need to scour the skin, opt for a gentle exfoliant and avoid using the exfoliating shower gels for daily use.


After the holidays, the biggest fear is to peel and lose all its beautiful colors. To prevent dry skin, consider drinking plenty of water to help regenerate the cells. After showering, also apply a moisturizing body lotion and a nourishing cream or mask to the face and neck. You can also continue to take an after-sun care several weeks after your last exposure to the sun. Indeed, in addition to their moisturizing and restorative properties, they are often extensions of tanning!

Choose certain foods
Many fruits and vegetables naturally contain beta-carotene to help maintain tanning. So throw yourself on carrots, spinach or tomatoes. Another way to maintain your caramel color: dietary supplements that slow the premature whitening of the skin. If you started your cure before the holidays, you can then continue after the start of the season for a few weeks.

Bet on the self-tanner
Another essential product, thespray tan that you will find in the form of cream, gel or lotion. Choose the right shade for your skin type and wait until your tan begins to lose its intensity and when you stop peeling to apply it.

Go for a bright makeup

You can cheat a little by using a foundation in transparency on the whole face. Then, apply a cloud of sunshine to unify the complexion and give the skin a velvety appearance. Last recommendation, do not neglect the role of the blush that will give a boost and extend the good mine throughout the year.

5 after sun tips that guarantee to maintain the holiday tan (May 2024)