May 20, 2024

All about Alum Stone

To start with a course etymology, Alun means "salt" in Greek (als, alos). Alum stone is extracted especially in Syria and consists of a double sulfate of aluminum and potassium. Its translucent appearance gives it the appearance of a big ice cube.

By tightening the pores of the skin, stone Alum regulates perspiration and fights odors with its anti-bacterial action: making it an excellent deodorant. You will enjoy impeccable hygiene not only under the arms but also on the feet.

Soothing shaving fire, Alum stone is very recommended on the armpits after shaving. Combined with its deodorant, soothing and antiseptic action, this makes it the absolute beauty trick!

For its anticoagulant action, give to your man, always fond of your natural beauty tips, an Alum stone to overcome the small cuts that he does not fail to make during his shaving session.

Odorless, the Alum stone does not interfere with your favorite perfume. You just spend it on wet skin and you benefit from its benefits!

hypoallergenic, Alum stone can be used for the hygiene of all. The aluminum that composes it is safe for the body because it can not enter because of a very stable chemical composition. Use peace of mind and make it your favorite beauty trick!

Our advice
Alum stone is easily found in pharmacies and on the Internet sales sites.

Top 15 Uses of Alum for face, skin, and health - Benefits of Alum Fitkari powder (May 2024)