May 20, 2024

Capricorn Horoscope 2015 - Health

Capricorn Horoscope 2015 - What will be your health?

First trimester
: Enjoy life, it's great! On the other hand, to multiply gastronomic excesses at the risk of seeing your cholesterol or uric acid rate soar, it is obviously not recommended! And let's not talk about the sexual excesses you are likely to want these days to deliver! If you want to stay in good physical condition, agree to moderate your appetites and impose some discipline.
Second trimester : Everything will be fine on the health side. The presence of Jupiter will give you a tonus of hell. Do not take advantage of it to indulge in excesses that can provoke energetic protests of your liver. Beware of the negative influence of Pluto. Moderation will prevail! It's called green beans rather than fries, and plain water rather than wines, spirits or sodas.
Third trimester : This will be the period of an awareness of your health capital. It will be a good time to stop wasting it. Especially with the presence of Pluto in the health sector of your theme, you will feel rather tired and you will have a hard time getting up in the morning to go to work. For those suffering from chronic disorders, a new treatment undertaken this time could bring significant improvements to their condition. As for the hypernervous natives, they will not be safe from some psychosomatic malaise, spectacular but not serious. Get a massage or, better yet, take massage classes: you will see life in another way!
Fourth trimester : Physically and mentally, you will be in good shape. And your morale, a key factor in your balance, will be much better than lately. This will obviously help to reduce the risk of anxiety-related illnesses, including spasmophilia. In addition, if you have liver problems, they can be effectively treated.

CAPRICORN Health (May 2024)