May 19, 2024

Carpaccio of scallops Licorice

Carpaccio of scallops with licorice 

16 fresh scallops, juice of 1 lime, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, ¼ grated licorice stick or 1 spoon of ground licorice, dry-grilled sesame seeds, salt and pepper mill.
Rinse the scallops quickly, wipe with paper towels, cut into thin slices and distribute them evenly on the plates.

Prepare the marinade with lemon juice, olive oil, sesame seeds, licorice, salt and pepper.

Put the marinade on the scallops with a brush and reserve in the fridge for 15 minutes so that the aromas are diffused. Serve liquorice can be replaced by many other ingredients: dill, ginger, lemon balm, verbena, lemongrass, pink berries ... (products buyable on the internet) or even essential oils (3 drops are enough, because the essential oils scent enormously) .
Steps :

1 ° Rinse and dry the nuts.

2 ° Mince the nuts.

3 ° Prepare the marinade and prepare.

Michelin star chef Andy McFadden creates recipes with scallops, grouse and raspberries (May 2024)