May 9, 2024

Cash Check Credit: Loafers with heels

Fashion never leaves us alone. Constantly inventing a new accessory at the top of the trend just to ruin us! This week, it is the loafers with heels that make us feel like it. With their air of not touching it, they are double-edged.

Firstly because we can wear them as a school teacher, with a tailor, preferably destructured to have more style ... And with sewing tights, to give a touch of sexytude. Then because we can mix them with jeans and a blouse, such as a BCBG casual neighborhoods. But still because the loafers with heels marry extremely well with a high waist dress pin'up, a bug in the hair for the super retro touch.

A pair of shoes, three ways to wear them, is not it a good enough excuse to succumb to temptation? So, let's order Santa to add a pair of Celine in your dressing room? Will we crack our budget restaurant to offer us the shoes Maje ? Or will we remain wise by opting for shoes Garland?


Cash: Garland, 85 euros on

Check: Maje, 265 euros

Credit: Celine, 620 euros





XUITCASECITY - Need Somebody (Lyrics / Lyric Video) No Sleep Remix (May 2024)