May 5, 2024

Chinese Horse Horoscope 2015 - Health

Chinese Horoscope 2015 - the health of the Horse

First trimester
During the first two months of the period, your vitality will be incredible, well above average. You will naturally spend it on activities of all kinds. Attention all the same! With such an overflow, you risk occupying the living space of others, in good conscience and with the best intentions in the world! You will be well enough the rest of the period; no serious problem to be feared.

Second trimester
: First quiet month: you will feel in excellent physical shape. Your functions of digestion and assimilation will be facilitated by the relaxation that you display. But for that, you should slow down your professional and social activities. In the third month, your immune defenses will be somewhat weakened, perhaps by your nervous tension. You can expect the unwanted visit of a virus, genus like flu or cold. But nothing too unpleasant to bear.

Third trimester : Your health will be good overall despite some nervousness. However, during the second month, keep a close watch on your stomach and intestines, which will be a little weak and likely to cause mild disorders that it would be unwise to neglect. In the last month, your recovery capacity will be almost ideal. Those with serious problems will be able to take advantage of new care techniques. If you do not practice sports regularly, this period will lend itself to the taking of a good resolution in this direction.

Fourth trimester : With a complex mix of positive and negative astral influences, you will generally enjoy good health, but with small intestinal problems from time to time. Choose foods rich in magnesium - cereals, wholemeal breads, apples - and you will dominate your potential pathology. Remember to guard against overwork by a fair distribution of your energies between work and leisure, ensuring that your rest periods are not monopolized by tiring activities.

Chinese Astrology: Fire Horse (May 2024)