May 20, 2024

Chinese Monkey Horoscope 2015 - Silver

Chinese Horoscope 2015 - The Monkey Element

First trimester :
This aspect of the star Thien Giai can have a strong impact on your financial life. Some natives will take advantage of the tension generated by this planet to improve their situation. But many of you risk crossing a rather bad pass. It will not last, but will be enough to destabilize you. In any case, if you are resolutely reasonable in terms of money, you will have nothing to fear. A good chance of winning at the game seems possible in the last month of the period.

Second trimester : Silver side, your chances will be real, but still remain vigilant: you will not in any case get into risky or doubtful business, or indulge in senseless expenses. Be careful, too, not to be impatient about possible delays. And if you have to negotiate a contract, it would be better not to be so demanding as to make everything fail.

Third trimester You are always dreaming of winning the Lotto, you will have to be satisfied with what your work brings you. Do not complain: if the stars do not promise you any exceptional luck, they do not threaten you with any disaster either. So, even if you have to check the status of your bank account before satisfying your current shopping desires, keep smiling, thinking of all those who have less than you.

Fourth trimester : Given this global climate, your financial situation should be stable. But of course, if the stars do not threaten you with any problem beyond your control, they also do not seem determined to miraculously fill your woolen stockings. Prudence, then; do your accounts before any major expense. That said, you could count on some luck at play in the second month of the period; however, never bet big because there will still be risks of loss.

Year of the Monkey - 2015 Chinese Horoscope (May 2024)