May 20, 2024

Fight back pain in 10 lessons

Bad posture, false movement, structural problems, stress, emotional shock ... so many causes that we have, one day or another, back pain. You do not know what to do to fight it? Here are ten advice which will allow you to relieve it ...

1. Pay attention to your posture
Do you spend most of your day sitting in front of the computer? Be sure to keep your back straight. In front of the screen, we tend to slouch, to bend his back. On the contrary, one must straighten up and relax one's shoulders. Remember to adjust the height of your seat so that your trapezes are not stretched when you handle your computer mouse. "Avoid precipitation", explains Stéphane Docoche, chiropractor and co-founder of the website *. This advice is valid for all your daily actions. "When you make your laces, avoid leaning, think rather squatting," he adds. When you enter your car, it's best to sit on your side before rotating your car. legsit will prevent you from bending.

2. Think about stretching
It will only take a few minutes a day, but you will be crazy: think every morning or evening to stretch. Do small exercises: bring back for example your legs towards your chest, repeat this gesture several times. Also think about doing abs. This gentle gymnastics will allow you to relieve your lower back but also get up on the right foot!

3. Put yourself to sport
It is well known, the sport, it's good for the health. It allows to keep a certain muscle tone, but also a certain flexibility, necessary for the proper maintenance of the back. The important thing is, once again, to pay attention to sudden movements. "The sport helps to de-stress. To regulate his weight. But also to muscle, "confirms Stéphane Docoche." The ideal is to do at least thirty minutes of walking or cycling a day. "

4. Work on your breath
Breathing is an innate reflex. But, what we do not know is that most of the time, we do not breathe properly. When you're stressed, you tend to block your breathing. We must therefore make sure to relax and inhale and exhale as much as possible through the nose. By inspiring, you have to imagine filling your whole body with oxygen. The breathing must make waves in the body: it starts from the lower back, inflates the belly then the thorax. At expiration, the wave goes in the opposite direction. "A good breathing gives mobility to the spine," says Stéphane Docoche.

5. Avoid wearing heels too often

"The heels cause an artificial curvature of the spine," says the chiropractor. Beyond 3 or 4 centimeters, indeed, the heels unbalance the posture and accentuate the camber of your kidneys. This can cause pain in the lumbar spine. Better to stay flat as much as possible ...

6. Adopt a firm mattress
When suffering from back pain, it is advisable to opt for a fairly firm mattress without being hard. In any case, your spine should stay upright. You must not, under any circumstances, push yourself into your mattress. "It is during the night that the intervertebral discs are reflexed," explains Stéphane Docoche.

7. Apply ice to the sensitive area
Victim of a false movement, consider applying ice to the sensitive area. It is an excellent pain reliever. "Apply a cold block on the painful area for twenty-five minutes," says the chiropractor. "Repeat this every two to three hours for two or three days, it will reduce inflammation. Only area to protect from cold: the neck. "This area is particularly sensitive to cold," says the co-founder of Be careful therefore torticollis!

8. Watch your diet
Stop the extra pounds! Overweight can be the cause of your back pain. Your little extra pounds are, indeed, a nightmare for your spine that must support them. It is therefore recommended to eat healthy, to avoid (salt, to prepare one's food oneself rather than to consume prepared dishes but also to drink 1.5 liters of water a day.) A good number of disc herniations are due to a lack of hydration.

9. Do a blood test
In case of back pain, it is sometimes advisable to have a blood test. (Except in the case of ees diseases inflammatory types), the lack of vitamin D and magnesium can, indeed, be the cause of these evils.Remember, in fact, that vitamin D is present in too small a quantity in your plates, it is especially the sun which allows you to synthesize it.

10. Think about massage
Nothing is more relaxing than a good massage. Ask your spouse to massage the sensitive area. This will relax you. Do not hesitate to call in a specialist if the pain persists.

* is a new personal service. It allows you to treat your back pain urgently, at home with an intervention within 2 hours! It also allows you to schedule your sessions at times that suit you with state-certified practitioners available in Paris 7/7 from 8am to 10pm.

Effective Alignment Lesson to Relieve Low Back Pain (May 2024)