May 20, 2024

Find out what dentists hate in patients

Going to the dentist is bad for a good, we know, but we do not like it anyway. So if in addition it seems that he sometimes hates our behavior, it will not fix our relationship with him! Here are the things that bother dentists at home, and sometimes we understand them.

They were more than 300 members of the Chicago Dental Society, a very influential Chicago dentist association, to elect the behaviors they hated most in their patients. This data was collected during the meeting celebrating the 144th anniversary of the Chicago dental society, which begins on February 26th.

What annoys them most is the public demonstration of affection. The disbelief of thanks and feelings on the part of the patient greatly irritates the dentist, although his breath is fresher after consultation than before. A discreet thank you enough. What modesty these dentists ...

In 2nd place, video game consoles. In France we play less than in the United States, and some American dentists said they received shots of game consoles on the front when their patients extended their arms to continue playing! Or would it be a conscious act of revenge from the patient to the maltreated dentition?

Third place comes back to reading: reading a book or a magazine while the dentist tries to scour your molar prevents him from doing his job properly. If you want to be well cared for, do not block the way ...

To be a beauty is the 4th behavior hated by dentists. It is true, of course, that the light of the dentist's chair is ideal for recovering his kohl or blush, but it is better to wait in front of the mirror of the elevator or the bathroom to make oneself small. makeup retouching ...

Finally, what dentists hate the most, but we can not help it, is to answer the phone. And we do not like it too much, especially when, with our mouths open, we choke on the saliva aspirator, we look pleadingly at our dentist on the phone to make his conversation shorter.

How to manage your fear of the dentist (May 2024)