May 20, 2024

Food diversification begins at what age?

According to the medical profession, the child is ready to discover new tastes and textures from six months. In addition, the allergic risks are greatly reduced, the digestive system is finally ready to absorb a more complex range of food and saliva production allows the baby to swallow stronger foods. But keep in mind that the staple diet of your baby during the first six months of its existence is milk (feeding or baby bottle).

Food diversification must then be done slowly but surely by adding, for example, small quantities of broth or purée of mixed vegetables to the baby bottle of milk. This little trick will allow baby to taste vegetables. Over time, parents will increase the dose of vegetables and decrease the amount of milk in the baby bottle. After the vegetables, mum and dad can introduce the fruit in the form of compotes. At first, small amounts are recommended.

From 0 to about 6 months

Breast milk is perfectly adapted to the needs and development of baby. Thefeeding reduces the risk of infection and may also help prevent allergies and reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity. Yes baby take it baby bottleyou have to give him an infant formula. Up to 6 months baby drink only milk.

Six months ! Here comes the time for dietary diversification, even though milk is still essential. Parents can introduce broths, vegetable purées, fruit compotes or gluten-free infant flour. The introduction of new foods and quantities are done according to the advice of the pediatrician. These foods must be introduced one by one so that baby gets used to it. A little trick: offer him the same fruit or vegetable several days in a row. An addition of salt or sugar is strongly discouraged.

From 6 months to about 1 year

At this age, mom and dad can introduce protein to meals. A little riddle: where are proteins found? You give your tongue to the cat? In meat, fish or egg yolks in very small quantities. Baby can also eat cottage cheese or a petit-suisse at tea time. As and when baby will be able to taste bread, semolina and biscuits. A small booster: up to at least one year old milk remains the food of choice baby.

From 1 year to 3 years

Baby eat more and more like a "big" but we must not forget that its needs, including protein and milk growth (about 500 ml), remain specific. Milk is a source of calcium, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, iron and vitamins A, D and B. Water is also essential. The child must also eat two servings a day of 100 to 150 grams of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables.

How to know if baby is ready to try the adventure of food diversification?

There are several signs that will make you smart:

- He takes things and puts them in his mouth.
- The birth weight of baby Doubled.
- He closes his mouth on a spoon.
- He swallows some applesauce or puree placed on his lip.
- He turns his head to show his refusal.
- Baby try to eat the food on the plate of his parents.

Two tips from a mother: her meals must be balanced and varied and do not force a child but repeat the experience a few times later.

Feeding Babies: Starting Solid Foods | Kaiser Permanente (May 2024)