May 20, 2024

Horoscope shape health horoscope for the year 2008

First quarter: Forgotten, the small evils of the last weeks. Thanks to a tonic astral climate, you will find a good shape. You can also rely on Jupiter, harmonic, which will ensure you a flawless dynamism. The icing on the cake, you will have to the Moon who, giving you irresistible desires of love, will send you the most galvanizing energies in this period.

Second quarter: It's not the energy you'll miss! However, be careful not to overdo it and take the time to relax. Uranus, which is rather favorable to you, can indeed push you to live without taking into account your energy limits. Remember that sleep is a sovereign remedy that allows you to recharge your batteries and stay in good shape.

Third quarter: The health sector will be perfectly clear. You will be safe from risks. You will have excellent physical fitness. Much more toned than lately, you will recover quickly in case of stress or fatigue. If you have a long-term condition, your current treatment will be effective.

Fourth Quarter: With Mars, Master of Energy, and Jupiter, a wellness planet, currently in health-related areas of your theme, you should not lack vitality. Only be careful: these two planets will form a negative configuration between them, which may cause you to behave badly for your health. Attention in particular to the abuses of any order: excess food and sexual particular.

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