May 8, 2024

Pisces Horoscope 2015 - Health

Pisces Horoscope 2015 - How will you feel?

First trimester
: You will be interested in limiting your consumption of meat, not only for the good of your organization but also for that of your purse. You will find so much protein in soy, fish and eggs. Also take whole rice, which is a light but very energetic food.
Second trimester : Subject to difficult planetary influences, you will have to enforce a certain dietary discipline to preserve your health. Drink plenty of water between meals. Eat light and at regular times. To stimulate your appetite, try new dishes, or even new cuisine, such as Vietnamese or Chinese cuisine. Third trimester : This type of weather suits you perfectly. Make the most of it to do what you like. But your unusual exuberance may take you too far and cause minor incidents and accidents. You will have better channel your strength and beware of the excitement.
Fourth trimester : With the Moon in this aspect, you could get plenty of sleep, because you need it. Eat light and eat healthy. No alcohol, no tobacco, no trepidation of any kind! If you follow these tips, you will enjoy a foolproof health.

Pisces 2016 Health horoscope (May 2024)