May 8, 2024

The 237 reasons to make love!

The investigation was led by Dr. David Buss and Cindy Meston, psychologists, in two phases. They first interrogated 444 men and women 17-52 years old about why they have sex, then asked about 1500 others about their experiences with sex. The process took five years.

The main reasons
According to the results obtained, women and men would have a similar approach to why they make love. Among the top 25 of women and men, 20 answers match perfectly.

The main reasons given by respondents are the attraction to a person, and the feeling of pleasure felt. Then come to show a person that we love him, and to show him affection.
More amazing answers, like "to pass the time", "to get closer to God" are on the list, just like "to get a promotion at work".

Men more opportunistic about sex
According to the authors of the study, the data collected reject many stereotypes, especially on the differences between men and women. Many snapshots could have suggested that women would be more attached to sentimental reasons of make love, while the men allegedly invoked purely physical reasons. However, their answers were similar, mixing both aspects. The most notable difference between the two sexes, according to this study, is that men are much more "opportunistic" about sex, and never want to miss a single opportunity. The women showed a more thoughtful attitude, and a greater willingness to "please".

The responses obtained were classified into four categories: physical ("to reduce stress", "because the person in question was dancing well"), practical ("to have a baby", "to be popular"), emotional (" to show a person that we love him "," to get closer to a person "), and selfish (" to keep a person "," to feel loved ").
The study was published in the August issue of the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.

237 Reasons Humans Have Sex (May 2024)