May 9, 2024

What is the Individual Right to Formation?

What is it about ?
The DIF allows employees to follow a training related to the company they work in, to perfect their knowledge or learn a new technology. The goal is to remain employable throughout his life, to evolve without being exceeded. DIF is only at the initiative of the employee, not the employer.

Since when does it exist?
Following the observation that executives or employees of large companies were training others, a law was passed in 2004 to make accessible the training to a maximum of people.

Who is entitled to it?
All employees with full-time or part-time permanent or fixed-term contracts, for a minimum of one year. The company is required to inform its employers each year about the number of DIF hours to which they are entitled.

How many hours are offered?
Every year, employees are entitled to 20 hours of training minimum, with a maximum ceiling of 120 hours. Higher durations may be provided by agreement or collective agreement.

How to do it ?
Each employee can inquire with training Chartered. After agreement of the company, the employer contacts the chosen course.

Is one paid during the DIF?
First, you have to see with your employer if the training is done during or out of work time. If this is done during working time, the employee earns his normal salary. If it is outside of work time, the employee will have to take time off and receive 50% of his salary plus during his training.

Can we be refused a DIF?
Yes, if it does not correspond to the company's trades or if too many employees of the same department request a training at the same time. In case of bad timing compared to a charged production, the DIF can also be refused.

Is the DIF entitled in case of dismissal or resignation?
Yes, provided you are not fired for serious misconduct. Whether in a case of resignation or dismissal, you must notify your employer of your DIF request during your notice and not after. On the other hand, an employee who retires is not entitled to the DIF if he has not benefited before.

Thanks to Viviane Gourdon, Manager Training at TF1.

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