April 25, 2024

1-3 year old children's diet: the right rules and nutritional habits

He slowly but surely adopts a varied diet that looks more and more like that of dad and mom. It's a big" ! He begins to discover new tastes, new flavors ... but attention his nutritional needs remain important. The point on the feeding of your butt between one and three years. Four varied meals but always adapted to his age and his weight. Nutritional foods provide vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

With his first teeth, the child can now chew small pieces. But mixing and cutting into small pieces of certain foods is important. Fruits, vegetables, meat and fish must be mixed until they are two years old. His spoon starts are shy and the food ends regularly on the floor as in the mouth but over time, the child will develop his skills and will be able to eat on his own. From the age of two, your toddler becomes more and more independent. Small pieces replace those mixed.

What is the most important meal?

It is the breakfast that must be balanced! This meal must be varied in the choice of food. It may include milk, dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese), bread, cereals, cheese, fruit, compote ... The list is not exhaustive. In the morning, a snack is always nice: yogurt, ham, fruit. On the other hand, fats and foods that are too sweet (sweets, candy bars, pastries ...) are not essential.

And the lunch!

You can offer him raw vegetables, proteins (meats, fish, eggs). It is best not to add fat during cooking especially. A starch or cooked vegetable followed by cheese, fruit or milk pudding can complete this meal. Thanks to the appetizers, your toddler will be able to discover foods that are not always popular among the youngest ones like grated carrots or endive salad. If you do not have enough ideas to compose these menus, several kitchen books are at your disposal.

Afternoon tea

It must be varied according to the days and habits. On the other hand, it must contain a milk-based food, a fruit and why not bread and chocolate.


As for parents, it should not be hearty, too heavy: soup of vegetables, grilled meat or fish, green vegetables or starchy foods. Up to three years of age, only one serving of meat per day is needed. In the evening, the child does not need cheese unless the protides have been poorly distributed during the day. To finish the meal, a fruit, a compote, a cake or an ice cream will be appreciated. Can he eat bread? Of course but in reasonable quantity.

Water is very important and the milk of growth (two baby bottles of infant milk of 250 ml each) is indispensable to the child until three years.

Foods not recommended

In the first months of his life, baby must avoid eating fries, chips, cold cuts, ketchup or mayonnaise. Sodas are also discouraged. As for salt, it is not necessary for toddlers. Fast sugars, found in pastries or sugary drinks, are not essential. As for nibbling between meals, it must be banned. In summary, the child must learn to taste different foods and meals must be balanced. If in doubt, it is always best to seek advice from your doctor or pediatrician.

Tips for parents of picky eaters (April 2024)