April 25, 2024

3 slimming alternatives for breakfast

For the greediest here are three tips that will allow us to lighten the first meal of the day.


1. Make yourself a bowl of cereals :

it is better to avoid buying packages of cereals where the mixes are already ready. They are often stuffed with sugars, salt or fats. One thinks dietary and shows imagination by concocting his own composition. The ideal is to bring oatmeal, that they are found in the supermarket bio departments.

Then add some fruits dry or fruits fresh according to your desires. Figs, strawberries, walnuts, almonds, linseed or sesame seeds will be added to the oat flakes.


2. Lighten your breakfast with sugars and fats:

for that there are many small things to do. Replace the sugar of your tea with honey ;

favor the milk skim, rather than milk whole or half skim;

have the reflexe every morning to switch on your kettle to prepare a green tea, its virtues detox are very recommended in case of slimming cure.


3. For lovers of the salty breakfast:

this type of breakfast is often fatter than a sweet breakfast, as it contains cheese or cold cuts. Again, there are alternatives to reduce the number of fats and calories consumed, while having fun.

Prefer the whole wheat bread or bread White ;

replace the bacon with ham ;

test them poached eggs, rather than fried eggs. Poached eggs are less oily because they do not require the use of fat for cooking.


3 HEALTHY BREAKFAST IDEAS - Recipes For Weight Loss (+Gluten Free) (April 2024)