July 3, 2024

4 tips for making a very greedy guacamole

Ripe avocados
This is the key to success! If your lawyers are still hard, needless to use them in a recipe and even less in a guacamole. Otherwise it is likely to be bitter and unpleasant. Better wait until the lawyers mature. Moreover, to speed up the process, wrap them in newspaper, or in a plastic bag with apples or bananas. Your lawyers will soon be perfect to prepare a guacamole

The real recipe
To make a tasty guacamole, it takes lawyers so ripe, but also an onion, lemon juice, salt, pepper, chilli, fresh coriander and cubes of tomatoes for decoration. Then take the taste of your preparation by incorporating cumin, lime or Tabasco. In addition, crush lawyers directly to the fork, without mixing. The guacamole will only be better.

Without lawyer !
You have no morelawyer ? Realize the recipe only with zucchini. Admittedly, the result is different but for consistency to be closer to guacamole, just add mascarpone. Fry the vegetables in the pan with a bouillon cube. Add a dash of balsamic vinegar, chilli, garlic and fresh cheese. Mix, chill and serve.

Customize the recipe
The guacamole comes in infinity. Wake up recipe by incorporating crab crumbs, cucumber. And to sublimate it? In a verrine, alternate using a pastry bag guacamole homemade and a layer of salmon cream. Then finish with a smoked salmon lard or a dill sprig. Here is a nice dressage for a delicious verrine.

Avocado - a positive superfood trend? | DW Documentary (July 2024)