April 25, 2024

5 snack foods for small snacks

The fruits
This classic is great for bringing full of fiber and vitamins to the body. Enjoy the last good days to eat melon, figs, apricots, peaches and nectarines. Or, open the season with fruits who announce autumn: pears, apples, plums, grapes ...

Yogurt drinks, easier to take away, are always practical to have in your bag. Flavored, sometimes a little too sweet, they bring no less a significant amount of calcium!

The cereal bars
These are the most complete. Still need to choose them! Prefer the bars of major brands, so you limit the presence of bad saturated fatty acids. Take it with wholegrain cereals, fruits known for their anti-oxidant properties such as cranberries or goji berries.

The chocolate sandwich
Another classic. A baguette and chocolate black, less rich in fat than its milk or white addicts. Why not take cereal bread for a more substantial snack?

The dried fruit
Almonds, cashews, pistachios, raisins, apricots, dried bananas ... dried fruits are quite caloric but very good for the body rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. We start!

Candace Kumai's Healthy Snack Swaps (April 2024)