April 25, 2024

6 tips to support the heat when you are pregnant

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
Pregnantyou are dehydrating quickly. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water a day or more if you are in the sun. Always carry a bottle of water with you and take a few sips regularly.

Take a fogger everywhere with you
Buy a plastic fogger and leave it in your bag! You will find in most pharmacies and parapharmacies. Fill with tap water and sprinkle to cool off as soon as you get hot. There are also foggers of mineral water.
To know: You can feel a small sensation of tugging on your skin when the sprayed water dries on your skin. Take a little moisturizer in your bag just in case!

Wear a big hat with very wide edges
The hat is essential to avoid sunstrokes and to prevent the mask from pregnancy, never go out without! Choose with wide edges to also cover your neck, shoulders and neck.
Tip: You can tie your favorite scarf around the hat. In addition to the small fashion detail, the scarf will further protect your neck.

Wear loose clothing
Pregnant, your skin is the victim of small inconveniences: dryness, excessive perspiration, itching ... Wearing loose clothes will allow you to better withstand the heat but also to avoid amplifying all these small worries. Prefer clothes that cover your body as much as long dresses, long-sleeved tunics or wide pants and materials that do not attack your skin like natural fibers.

Prefer the shadows
Preserve the heat by always choosing the shadows. Never expose yourself directly in direct sunlight. Avoid at all costs the hot hours, between 12h and 16h. Get out early in the morning and / or late afternoon and take a beach umbrella with you if you go to the beach.

Take care of your legs
Heavy legs is one of the most common discomforts in women pregnant whose body temperature is naturally higher. The heat causes dilation of the vessels, the blood circulates less well and the legs become heavy. In the evening, take a warm bath to relieve your legs and if necessary wear compression stockings.

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