May 3, 2024

A fall in beauty: care in institutes - Testimonials

Jeanne, 30, history teacher
For me, it's always the same story! I come back tanned from my vacation in the Var at my parents and after a week, my skin is rough and I debronze at sight.
So, I have skin withered and zebra because I do not have a uniform color on the face. It's really depressed!
I go from pretty to ugly, basically ... On the advice of a friend, I went to an institute last year to make "an ultra-moisturizing care".
I was rather skeptical and hesitant, considering the price ... But I was so ugly that I had to do something as quickly as possible. So I tested!
Well, I had a pleasant surprise. My skin was very soft when I came out and, above all, thanks to the scrub that the beautician performed before the application of the moisturizing mask, my complexion was again uniform.
So, I'm going back this year, I'm going to the same institute. Never change a winning team !
Amandine, 37 years old, in charge of studies
My problem is that as soon as I expose myself to the sun, even if I protect my skin, I have small fine lines that appear after.
And at the beginning, I have the impression that we see more than that. It turns quickly to obsession and it's really unbearable.
So I decided to go to a beautician for botox injections ... But she quickly explained that I was doing a mountain of not much, that the botox was really the heavy artillery and that with a good antioxidant care, everything would return to order.
So she made me a mask with vitamin C and it is true that when I left, my fine lines were faded ... Happiness!
Since then I go to see this beautician at each return but also in the winter, when my skin is dull, it gives me good looks!
Sarah, 19, student
I have acne prone skin. I love summer because as soon as I expose myself to the sun, my pimples disappear and they do not care for me during all the holidays. The problem is that at the start, they come back in strength and there are even more than before!
To fix this, I resume my usual acne care and I oblige myself to go to a cleansing institute, to eliminate a maximum of pimples as soon as possible. It works pretty well! It's expensive for a student to have a treatment institute but it's really worth it when you have a pimply skin like mine ...

Hollywood Institute Testimonial (May 2024)