April 24, 2024

Aïoli, Dutch, mayonnaise ... 5 salty sauces to sublimate its summer dishes

Highly appreciated in southern Europe, aioli is a perfect accompaniment to Pisceseggs, vegetables and potatoes. His name says it all from his recipe of garlic and olive oil.

Hollandaise sauce
We are not really fixed on the history of the sauce Hollandaise. For some it would have been invented during the Dutch war in the 16th century, others have concluded, it would have come from Isigny-sur-Mer (Normandy), a town known for the excellence of its butter, asqu it was called "Sauce Isigny "at the origin Yes, the butter is essential to the realization of this sauce. To this ingredient is added lemon, eggs ... The secret of its success: incorporate the butter gently and gradually. Prepare your sauce Dutch at the moment of serving, your Pisces, potatoes, asparagus, eggs etc ... because it can not stand to be warmed.
It's from the sauce dutch that we prepare the béarnaise. Once the clarified butter is added shallot, tarragon and chervil. Ideal to accompany a piece of beef.

The origin of the mayonnaise remains fuzzy. But what is certain is that the realization of this sauce salt does not require a lot of ingredients (oil, eggs, salt and pepper) or a lot of time but a good turn hand ... And if we like it is because easy to prepare, it accompanies both the food (meat, raw vegetables, cooked, fries ...) hot than cold and brings smoothness to sandwiches ...

Incorporate with your mayonnaise chopped shallots, capers and pickled gherkins, aromatic herbs, you will get a rémoulade. A little Ketchup and here is a sauce cocktail.

No doubt about it, the pesto is a sauce Italian, (North West Italy) made from basil, marjoram or parsley, crushed garlic and cheese. Everything is linked with olive oil and broth. Traditionally mixed with pasta, gnocchi and minestrone, pesto also serves as a condiment.

Indispensable to any salad the sauce Vinaigrette. The recipe, very simple (oil, vinegar, salt, pepper) will change flavors according to the types of ingredients (olive oil, rapeseed, nuts, balsamic vinegar ...) and condiments that you can add. The vinaigrette also seasoned Pisces and cooked vegetables.

How to Make Mayonnaise - Gordon Ramsay (April 2024)