May 3, 2024

An educational game to reconcile children with mathematics

MathSumo, who received the gold medal at the 2011 Lépine contest, is a Thu to demystify tables and have fun with multiplication. This Thu will make the happiness of all families whose children have difficulties in mathematics. Read on!

This Thu The company, which manipulates multiplication, has a simple and effective mechanism: the card represents the product and the sumos on the board indicate the factors. Special cards will allow the players to intervene in the course of the game.

His concept helps to acquire the mechanism of mental arithmetic more than the mere memorization of the multiplication tables. It concretizes the operation of multiplication and opens towards other notions. Indeed, it makes it possible to understand how to obtain the result of the multiplication. It is an active process of looking for numbers to multiply to get the result indicated by the map.

Children can correct each other and play in complete autonomy. On the cards, the numbers are expressed in numbers, letters and squares of color for each player to manipulate the calculation in his own way.

Monsters | Monster COMPILATION | Learn Math for Kids | Learning for kids (May 2024)