April 16, 2024

Anti-cellulite massage cream + masseur preparator of Cosmence

Kneading and smoothing are the two key words of this slimming cream that eliminates cellulite. A masseur preparer and a night massage cream. This slimming treatment is applied at night because the slow functioning of the body is particularly conducive to the storage of fat and the supine position is not conducive to the circulation of body fluids. The fresh and creamy texture of the slimming cream has been specially designed to promote the gesture of the massage. Its sweet scent invites serenity.

Tested by Delphine
- usage time: 15 days
- Areas to treat: hips, buttocks, thighs.
- 1st impressions : being tested
- In use : being tested
- a note: during the test

Useful information :
Price: 28.90? the cream and 9.90? the masseur
Selling points: 0892 701 710

3 At-Home Cellulite Treatments (April 2024)