April 20, 2024

Astrological Portrait of Capricorn

How behaves Capricorn
Very introverted, Capricorn has an austere and silent appearance behind which hides a strong ambition. Secret and proud, Capricorn evolves slowly and asserts itself with time. Solitary and hyper-resistant, he seems shy, calm and reserved, but the fire is burning in him. He needs attention and tenderness, even if he does not seem to be looking for them. His introversion leads him to cumulate the unspoken; beware of the explosion and consequent collateral damage. It may seem materialistic because it has a great need for security. He has a sense of responsibility and likes to have some power over others.
Health side
Capricorn is programmed to live old - except accident. This energetic can, however, suffer from skin conditions, allergies and often rheumatism. He has to watch his circulation and practice long walks in nature. He can also do gymnastics every day and have enough sleep.
Heart side
Faithful, Capricorn does not engage lightly for fear of suffering. He is not the type to declare his love, which can divert his partner, who must instead show him his tenderness. With a demanding sexuality, he can remain single or engage in the life of a couple where he will be present and affectionate.
Business side
Capricorn can flourish in scientific research, history, archeology, architecture, it is also attracted by philosophy, medicine or politics. He will always prefer to work alone, unable to delegate and hate being controlled.
Some famous Capricorns: Ava Gardner, Humphrey Bogart, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Simone de Beauvoir, Chekhov, Maurice Bejart, Fellini, Cezanne, Matisse, Orlando Bloom, Gerard Depardieu, David Bowie, Ricky Martin, Anthony Hopkins, Kate Moss ...

Astrology Secrets: CAPRICORN Energy #Astrology #Capricorn #Energy #AstroFinesse (April 2024)