April 25, 2024

Astrology and well-being, the new book to know you better

Sign by sign, Astrology and welfare advise you on what is good for you. This book is a kind of horoscope of the nutrition and the psychic form as physical. Your welfare mental and bodily is detailed according to your zodiac sign, your temperament and vitality are revealed and surprise you yourself.

This marriage of theastrology and some nutrition comes from the alliance between the authors Didier and Aurore Colin. Didier, astrologer, and Aurore, her dietician daughter specialized in products from organic agriculture, share and assemble their knowledge and experience.

The authors propose, depending on whether you are from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decan of each sign, your welfare and your vitality, your psychology and your behavior, the male or female declination, your strengths and weaknesses according to the astral combination of the Sun and your star planet.

Then you have the telling description of your diet. On the menu, the fruits and vegetables of your welfare, dietary advice to bring you a better lifestyle, dietary supplements that fit you, herbs and plants of your welfare... you even find the key recipes for your health. No way to go wrong in what you need to feel good!

Astrology and welfare, Hachette Practice, 15?

If you have the power to know your tomorrow - Sadhguru about Astrology (April 2024)