April 25, 2024

Back to sport: what good accessories to build muscles at home?

For allergy sufferers sport or on the contrary to refine the fieldwork, why not transform yourself into a self-coach? To help motivate yourself and not just repeat the same exercises, some accessories might help you.

1. The shoes of sport

It's the number one accessory! Without that, no real sportsman: quality basketball dampens shocks, heals back, knees and all joints by protecting them. It will be necessary for step exercises. For bodybuilding and abs, shoes of sport flatter will make the exercises easier (slippers or shoes squash).

2. The carpet

Plan it thick. It would be stupid to stop his series ofabs or gluteal exercises not when the muscles heat up but when your back, knees or hip are in contact with the hard ground!

3. Elastic bands

To give trouble! These bands strung around the arms or legs will create resistance and increase the effort and the effectiveness of exercises. It is a basic accessory, easy to find on the market and easy to use.

4. The balloon gym

This big soft ball is also called "Swissball". No need to buy a balloon too bulky, 60 cm in diameter are sufficient to multiply the exercises (sheathing, abs). The balloons gym are also convenient for relaxing the back safely, lying on it.

5. Weighted dowels

This simple accessory also makes it possible to multiply the difficulty and the effectiveness of an exercise. Anchored to the ankles (as the name suggests), they weigh down the leg and increase the weight on the thigh and buttocks.

6. The dumbbells

There are very different weights which allows to use them in the manner of weighted dowels, but for the arms.

DIY Bench Press | How to make a weight bench (April 2024)