April 25, 2024

Breast-feeding: I start or not?

Why breast milk is good for your baby ?
It is a complete food for the newborn. Breast milk is the one that is best suited to her needs. With him, no possible allergies. It contains enough fat, protein, carbohydrates and minerals. Made for a child precisely, milk will change in quantity and quality as and when to adapt to the development of the child. For example it is very rich in lactose and water in the first days of life of the infant to thicken and become rich in fat thereafter. The other great quality of breast milk is immunity to many diseases: ear infections, rhino-pharyngitis, angina, bronchiolitis or obesity.
Breast or bottle, what does it change for your baby ?
Infant milk is subject to a drastic regulatory framework. For several years he has made great progress and now offers all the nutrients a child needs to grow well. Just learn how to do the right dosages. Dad and the family will have a real participation at the time of the meals. Nevertheless thefeeding remains the best food, as even highlight some advertisements for formula: "The best milk after that of a mother". Milk powder does not contain antibodies, it is less digestible and can cause allergies in some children. Breast or bottle, it's up to each mother to question her intimate conviction. We are not a bad mother because we are not breastfeeding.
Can all women breastfeed?
Yes, all women have the opportunity to breastfeed. Do you have small breasts? This is not a problem. Neither the quantity nor the quality of the milk depends on the size of your breasts. There are very few contraindications tofeeding : the congenital galactosemia of baby, cases of chemotherapy treatment. But a simple flu at the mom is not an excuse to stop thefeeding. Breast milk is always the same and retains all its qualities.
Does breastfeeding have benefits for the mother?
Apart from being free, thefeeding allows the production of certain hormones facilitating the sleep of the mother. Another advantage is that it protects against certain infections that may occur after delivery and reduces the risk of baby blues or postpartum depression with the secretion of endorphins. The uterus returns to its normal shape more quickly thanks to contractions caused by feeding. Another important fact for those who care about their figure: giving breast is also burning nearly 500 calories a day. A real help to find his line. More amazing stillfeeding has, according to recent studies, a preventive role in breast cancer.
Is breastfeeding painful?
It is a received idea. Many moms are reluctant to breastfeed because they are afraid of pain. First of all every woman and every feeding is particular. Certain difficulties can actually intervene on the course of thefeeding. But small problems like crevices, irritated nipples, engorgement or lymphangitis have their solutions. No need to stop breastfeeding. For example, if the rise of milk is too important, that your breast is painful, heavy, take a hot shower or apply compresses of hot water on your breasts while massaging them, just before feeding.

Does breastfeeding damage the chest?
No. It is known that the fibers favoring the curve of the breast are weakened by the variations of volume. To avoid this problem, simply do a gradual weaning and maintain your breasts with a good bra. It is safe for your chest to regain its original shape.
Your baby can he refuse the breast?
Do not worry. Instinctively, the child will suckle as soon as you put it to the breast. However it is possible that it does not reach it correctly during the first 2 to 5 days. No, he does not prefer the bottle, it's just that he needs a time of adaptation. Sometimes the separation mother-child, after the delivery, can last several hours and disturb its reflex of sucking. He may have been so disturbed by childbirth. But generally, with a lot of sweetness, everything gets back in order quickly.In any case, do not hesitate to talk about these difficulties with the midwife, if she is trained forfeeding, or with associations *.
* The Leche League, Lactea, Solidarilait.
Will Dad have a smaller role if you are breastfeeding?
Another fear is created within the couple facing thefeedingto evict the father. It is true that by giving the bottle, he will have the impression of actively participating in the life of the baby. By giving the breast, you establish a contact and a very strong emotional relationship with your baby. Do not let frustration and uselessness settle down. Communicate! Understand his feeling of being sidelined and emphasize that he has an equally important role. He will find his place by taking care of baby otherwise: to ensure the logistics, to change the layers, to make him burp, to bathe him, to wear him ...
You started breastfeeding, can you bottle-feed?
The World Health Organization advocates a feeding exclusive for the first six months. Even if you have to stop breastfeeding in the first days, know that your child has already received the so-called "colustrum", this yellowish liquid rich in protein, mineral salts and many antibodies. It appears right after delivery and before the real rise of milk. Several reasons prevent you from pursuing: the eyes of others, the return to work, the pain ... You have considered all the possibilities (breast pump ...) ... In any case, do not take this as a failure. Bottle or feeding, the most important thing is to feel in tune with your choice and your baby.

Breastfeeding Position and Latch (April 2024)