April 18, 2024

Cellulite in 7 questions

What is cellulite and what is it made of?
It is actually a reserve of fat located mainly on the thighs, buttocks and hips. It consists of cells called "adipocytes", very elastic, which are capable of storing fat. Attention, the more you eat and the more you are sedentary, the more these cells will hypertrophy and settle.
Medically the cellulite is the consequence of an abnormal process of fat storage.
As the cellulite ?
It is formed when the process storage (lipogenesis) and destocking (lipolysis) is stranded. The fat cells, adipocytes, are normally programmed to store what is needed for your body. But when you eat too much and very often (nibbling) it's panic. The fat cells get loaded too much and the fat builds up and then compresses the blood vessels, the lymphatic system works poorly and small packets form and give the so-called orange peel.
You must know that the body is not equipped to fight against the abundance, on the contrary it is to fight against the shortage. When a fat cell needs energy, it will pick it up when needed on the reserves.
Does cellulite have a special role?
It seems that this storage of fat at strategic points has a purpose in particular situations such as during pregnancy to feed the baby and in case of breastfeeding to allow lactation.
Why women?
The cellulite is of hormonal origin. These are the estrogen (female hormones) responsible. Women are unequal to it, but 90% of them have it. The cellulite is not necessarily associated with being overweight.
Is there a genetic predisposition?
It is undeniable that in case of genetic predisposition, that is to say if the women of the same family have a particularly pronounced gynoid morphology (accumulation of fat in the buttocks and thighs), a very early vigilance s imposes on a little girl. More cellulite set up early it will be difficult to move.
Can we prevent its appearance (diet, better food hygiene)?
The best prevention to "limit the damage" remains a rigorous lifestyle with a balanced diet and the practice of a sports activity that burns fat.
Are anti-cellulite creams of interest?
The various creams sold on the market, including caffeine (which simulates the emptying of fat cells) have the advantage of inducing a massage. They especially make it possible to improve the padded aspect of the skin.
As for the surgery, it allows you to remove a little bit of cellulitebut the remaining cells just want to keep filling. It is therefore necessary to respect a healthy lifestyle so as not to regrow. The improvement of the skin is visible, but it lasts only 3 or 4 years, after which it is necessary to start again.
With the collaboration of Dr. Lafontan, director of research at Inserm.

Real Questions - How can I inexpensively reduce the appearance of cellulite? (April 2024)