April 25, 2024

Chantilly, espumas ... What to do with a siphon in the kitchen?

What is the siphon? This is the device that trivialized the chantilly house, it has become unbreakable since we discovered the siphon. Many chefs use it, so we decided to do it too! The siphon consists of a spout, a receiver on which we will be able to place gas cartridges and a container of a liter in general that can be used for hot preparations (sauces) or cold (chantilly).

How to use it? We pour into the bottle of liquid cream mixed with sugar and the flavors of our choice, according to our desires (it can also be salty). The siphon should only be half full. A gas cartridge will come to screw at the end. It must shake the device, so that the gas mixes with the preparation, that's what will make it air. We put the siphon in the fridge with the head down. We always serve our preparation at the last moment, for that we shake the siphon and then press the lever. Our foam will come out of the socket, the cream has turned into foam as if by magic. Plus: you can keep its preparation several days in the fridge if it is left in the siphon.

ideas receipts : we must leave room for his imagination to make preparations with perfumes and flavors out of the ordinary. The principle of use of the siphon remains the same for all preparations, there is more to vary the pleasures.

Espumas: it is a very aerial foam! With fruits, vegetables, cheese or even foie gras. The preparation is served in small verrines for maximum effect with our guests.

Chantilly sweet or salty: add a dash of rose syrup, strawberry, mango to give another dimension to our chantilly sweet. To try a chantilly salt must be added salt cream, spices, herbs flavored ...

Hot or cold creams: custard, chestnut, choco, roquefort, asparagus ... the list is long or infinite!

Sauces: the siphon allows to keep our sauces in the fridge after preparation, just pour them in. This is very useful for butter sauces especially that are difficult to keep.

Technique de cuisine : Utiliser un siphon (April 2024)