April 25, 2024

Childbirth: Should we call on a doula?

Throughout pregnancy, a woman knows a whole range of feelings. And pass alternately joy, anxiety, passing by solitude ... Faced with his very personal feelings, difficult to share with the gynecologist or the midwife, who sometimes only a few minutes to devote to the future mother. This is where the doula comes in.

A doula is a woman with children, who has great listening skills. By his experience ofdelivery, breastfeeding and motherhood, she advises, helps, reassures and supports women pregnant. And this, from the first day of their pregnancy everyday life with baby.

What is his role ?
Throughout the pregnancyshe is standing beside the future mother. She helps her prepare for the arrival of a child, reassures her ... At her request, the doula can be present on the day of thedelivery. Especially in case of absence of the father or a member of the family. Helping the woman pregnant to live this big day as serenely as possible.
Although she is neither a midwife nor a gynecologist, and does not provide any medical care, the doula nevertheless works in collaboration with the hospital staff. She knows how to be present when it is necessary, and to fade when necessary.

When returning home, when sleepless nights and fatigue accumulate, the doula is still there to listen and help. She advises the young mother or reassures her on a daily basis. Depending on the services offered, she can also prepare the meal, do some shopping or babysit while the young mother takes care of the last one.
A doula makes it possible to have a reassuring feminine presence and a human accompaniment, when family, husband and friends are not enough present or little attentive to the needs of the young mother.
She morally supports the future mother in all stages of the perinatal life. And can help dad find his place.

Where to find a doula?
Before you start the adventure, take the time to meet the doula, talk with her ... A relationship of trust must be established. A doula is characterized by great availability. It must be able to come to your home or be reachable at any time by phone or email.
You can call on her from the first days of your pregnancy or contact her in the second or third trimester. To find it, go to the Doulas de France directory.
As for the price, everything depends on the services offered and the type of support chosen. This can be global or punctual. Anyway, the doulas usually adapt their tariff to mothers in difficulty. Educate yourself.

What is a Doula? - Natural Childbirth, Homebirth, Birth Coach - BEXLIFE (April 2024)