April 25, 2024

Choose your combination according to your morphology

Fashion star of the 80s-90s, the combination is back in force since this summer. This winter, the trend is confirmed, but be careful! You have to know how to wear it with elegance and to know which one suits your morphology. Nothing is uglier than combination who hangs or who pulls in the crotch, or who bulls, whereas it must be just loose!

The thin morphologies are made to wear the combination a bit wide, because they can afford to add volume. Take a size above and do not hesitate to roll down.

Busty morphologies will assume their generous femininity by surrounding the combination to refine the size and also highlight the buttocks.

The morphologies with wide hips must know that the combination accentuates the fall of the kidneys. If you are complexed by the reflection back of your silhouette, as much as to change option!

The playsuit is XXL, rolled and half-thighs. Exit the mini shorts, become very cheesy.
Our advice
Wear accessories and ultra-feminine heels to make up for the laid-back look. On the other hand, the hairstyle can be a casual touch without being neglected. The combination is worn exclusively with class and in no case does not pass in the bohemian style.

What To Wear depending on your morphology ? Part 1 (April 2024)