May 4, 2024

Christmas Menu 2013: Making your own foie gras is easy!

You have decided not to succumb to the ease by buying your foie gras already ready at the supermarket? Discover the procedure to follow.


So, in the first place, you just have to buy your liver. You can choose it directly from the breeder or the fat market. As many predict jars because an average liver weighs at least 600 g minimum. To recognize a foie gras raw of good quality, it is enough to exert a slight pressure with the finger on one of the lobes of the liver. If the foie gras is of good quality, your finger leaves a footprint that fades after a few seconds.

To prepare your foie gras, choose the duck liver that has more flavor than goose liver.

Start by separating the two lobes of the liver then remove the nerves with forceps. This is the first essential step to succeed foie gras. Cut the largest lobe in half.

For five to six hours, let the pieces of foie gras soak in cold, salty water to thoroughly disgorge them. Some even add some milk to salt water ...

After removing them from the water, rinse them with lukewarm water then dry them properly by carefully surrounding them with a clean towel. Salt and pepper the inner and outer sides of the liver then knead lightly to penetrate well.

Then add a base of Armagnac or Cognac in the jar (s) ... Choose jars with a metal lid.
Then place the livers in the jars with Armagnac and sterilize them for 20 to 40 minutes in a large pot from the boiling water.

You can leave at least six months before tasting your foie gras House.
For a terrine of foie gras, marinate your pieces of liver a few hours in a mixture of salt, spices and Armagnac. Then place the whole in a terrine whose lid you will seal with bread crumbs. Bake in a bain-marie at 130 ° for 30 minutes. Make sure the water stays at a constant temperature of 70 °. When the terrine is cooled, put it in the refrigerator for three or four days.
Our advice
Opt for coarse salt from Guérande to make a success of your foie gras. Have fun varying the flavors by adding figs or apricots or other alcohols in the marinade.

Duck Fat Flour Tortillas (May 2024)