April 20, 2024

Consumption: What are the predictions for Christmas shopping?

The forecast figures for the purchase of Christmas presents Deloitte were unveiled six weeks before the deadline. The study forecasts a 4.5% decline in the prospective budget devoted to Father's purchases Christmas.

The French would be willing to spend 518? this year for their holiday party business. The distribution gives a large place to the gifts as such, with 303 ?. Followed drinks and food planned for the festive meal, with a budget of 168? and 47? for outings and recreation.
As for the favorite gifts of the French, for the children less than 12 years old, we find in first place the construction toys, second the educational toys and the third step of the podium the books.

For the teens, would be privileged video games at 18%, money at 16% and books at 14%.
And as for what is adults, books take on the most importance, followed by chocolates, and perfumes-cosmetics. Note, the computer enters the Top 10.
Overall, for this Christmas 2014, in times of purchasing power crisis, the French are thinking of refocusing on the family, the spouse and children mainly. And for all of these purchases, although almost half is made at the hypermarket, the third should be done on the internet, whether for movies, video games and music.

Rapaport, October 28, 2009: Consumer Spending Trends For Christmas (April 2024)