April 25, 2024

Eight tips to fight against nausea during pregnancy

They affect between 50 and 80% of women pregnant during the first months. Morning sickness, is it serious doctor? Recent studies show that vomiting is a sign of good health. infant. It is unpleasant certainly but there are some tricks to avoid limiting nausea. Do's and don'ts?

-Multiply meals

An empty stomach is the best way to have nausea. It is necessary to make several meals daily but always in small quantities. They are easier to digest and support through the stomach of the future mother. Plus: this method reduces the risk of snacking.

-Do not get up quickly

If you can, it is even advisable to have breakfast in bed. It is then better to wait ten minutes before getting out of bed. If you do not have the time, you still need to nibble (cookies or fruit) before getting up. Doctors agree that a full belly helps fight against morning sickness.

-Bannish a diet too rich as fat and spicy dishes and sauce

Why ? Because they are difficult to digest. On the other hand, soups are ideal for consuming vegetables but also for satiating.

-Do not drink during meals but rather before or after

It is best to avoid caffeine and especially hot coffee. Some mothers of family recommend soft drinks (if you do not have any contradictions).

-Put the future daddy to contribute

How? By having him cook or clean.

-Avoid strong odors (cheese too much made, smoky places, perfumes ...).

-Take the air and avoid hot places

-To rest

Stress, it seems, increases the symptoms of nausea. In addition, stress is bad for the infant.

A "grandmother's recipe"

You must know that the smell of lemon or ginger can sometimes relieve. At the first sign of nausea, a spoonful of honey may also be welcome.

Are there other solutions?

- Homeopathy: it is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist before absorbing it.

-Acupressure wristbands

-Acupuncture (again, you need the advice of a health professional).

Every woman and every pregnancy is different. The severity of morning sickness during pregnancy varies from woman to woman. These tips have been, are being made or will prove themselves to a good number of women. In others, these tips will not work.

Morning sickness, what is it?

It is a desire to vomit that usually occurs in the morning when the stomach is empty. Although called morning, they can also occur at any time of the day. Did you know ? These nausea can also occur when a smell indisposes the woman pregnant.

How long does morning sickness last?

All pregnancies are different. The same goes for nausea. As a rule, they start around the sixth week. For a large majority of women, this inconvenience disappears around the twelfth week. However, some people will sometimes feel intermittent this pain throughout their pregnancy.
Others will experience nausea and vomiting for a longer period (sometimes until the fourth month). They usually occur after every meal or change of position. They can also be accompanied by an increase in salivation, constipation or even bad breath.

Some may finally present vomiting severe enough to cause loss of and dehydration. You must immediately consult a doctor. This severe form of morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum.

Morning sickness during pregnancy and how to deal with it. (April 2024)