May 20, 2024

Fighting the first wrinkles: interview of a dermatologist

What is the main factor responsible for aging?
First, we must remember that we are not all equal in the face of aging; it depends a lot on our genetic heritage. Some people age naturally faster than others.

However, among the environmental factors responsible for aging, it is really the sun that can cause the most damage. Repeated exposures, without protection, diminish the sun capital (each person's limited ability to fight against ultraviolet light throughout his life) and the UVA-which penetrate deeply into the skin and age it more quickly.

It seems that fans of the tan to excess, so concerned about their appearance, forget that the sun accelerates the aging of the skin! To tan faster, they take a protection too weak or -not apply bronzing oil without protection. Not to mention, those who abuse UV cabins. But it is imperative to protect yourself with a sunscreen suitable for exposure and its skin type, if you want to avoid being wrinkled young.
What are the medical procedures commonly used to reduce the first wrinkles?
Anti-wrinkle creams associated with a healthy lifestyle have a preventive action above all else. If your first wrinkles are already there, however, it is possible to reduce them through aesthetic techniques that will have a curative effect. These methods of "rejuvenation" can be practiced in the thirties but must be performed by a doctor who has been trained for !

Whether a dermatologist specializing in aesthetics, cosmetic surgeon or cosmetic doctor, check that it belongs to a training company in which he regularly updates his knowledge.
Finally, before any cosmetic intervention, the doctor must: perform a clinical examination, draw a quote and leave you a period of reflection. If this is not the case, beware.
Among the "light" aesthetic interventions, we distinguish:
-the superficial, medium or deep peel:
The superficial peel, based on fruit acids, can be practiced at home, in the institute but also at the dermatologist's. It restores radiance and vitality to the skin.
The medium or deep peel is more restrictive since it sometimes requires general anesthesia.
Chemicals used to flake skin can only be handled by an expert physician. It uses either trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or phenol when wrinkles are more pronounced.
These peels permanently erase irregularities of complexion and wrinkles.
Be careful though: the result is not immediate! Sore skin can take one to two weeks to heal!
-the laser
There are different lasers anti wrinkle. Depending on their wavelength, they can abrade wrinkles, remove brown spots or resorb dilated vessels.
-Injections of hyaluronic acid that tend to replace those of collagen insofar as they cause less allergic reactions (hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the body). This substance is injected to fill the wrinkle; the results are fast and discreet. But since hyaluronic acid is absorbable by the body, you have to give regular injections. To renew every 6 to 12 months.
botulinum toxin injections that do not fill the wrinkle but paralyze the muscle responsible for the wrinkle. As the muscle contraction is removed, the epidermis is smoothed immediately. The results last between 3 and 9 months.
Watch out for doctors who are not very attentive and who would not be trained in this technique and who would not offer you an estimate or a reflection period. Not to mention the compulsory clinical examination.
Injections of botulinum toxin can lead to paralysis of a muscle by mistake and require you to show a grimace for several months! Caution is therefore required.
For more information, contact:
Aesthetic and Corrective Dermatology Group (GDEC)
24, rue Chauchat
75009 Paris
Such. : 01 53 85 82 77

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