April 25, 2024

Foods that contain the most iron

Iron plays a vital role in transporting oxygen from the lungs to cells and muscles as a constituent of hemoglobin. An iron deficiency can in certain cases cause anemia which results in a deficiency of red blood cells leading to states of great fatigue, memory disorders and depressive tendencies ...

There are two types of iron:

Heme iron found in meat, poultry, eggs and fish and non-haem iron found in plants, pulses ...

Meats are the best source of iron
and it is the food par excellence to privilege to avoid any deficiency.

But also poultry or veal offal
, fish (tuna, mackerel ...), shells, oysters ...

Despite the legend of Popeye and his famous biceps,
the quantities of iron contained in spinach are not as important in reality.

We must also favor dry vegetables of the type
lenses that are an excellent source of iron. They facilitate digestion thanks to their high fiber content and are recommended for pregnant women for their folic acid intake.

Without abuse, you can eat cocoa and chocolate
which are rich in iron ... In case of craving, you can also opt for dried apricots, they also contain.

Hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews
are full of iron ... Very caloric, it is a question of not abusing it.
Our advice
To promote the absorption of iron in the body, you must eat products rich in vitamin C such as orange juice or lemon (or broccoli).

Did You Know - Foods That Help Reduce Iron Deficiency Anemia (April 2024)