April 25, 2024

Game consoles, for or against?

The game consoles market is sweeping our innocent and blond heads right from elementary school. Is it good, is it bad? Let's break it for against.

Against. Your child spends hours on his console and forsakes other activities. He is becoming socialized. The game console makes him nervous, even violent. You have to "flick" him to do something else in his life so that he does not play games that are too violent. Game consoles and games are expensive.

For. The other children have consoles and if your child does not have one, it excludes him. Some games are really smart and your child learns in fun. You can play games with your family: your child does not need to play alone! Children learn to develop their imagination through game consoles. They face their fears, dream and can socialize afterwards.

A responsible attitude, as a parent, is to keep control. There is no question that your child spends whole days playing on a game console. He must also have social activities, sports, reading ... It is also your duty to control the games he plays. Some, despite the indicated age ranges, are more violent than you would probably want.

The console is neither good nor bad in itself. Everything is in the use that one makes of it! Make clear in your head the framework for using game consoles: the number of hours, the type of games, play after homework, not before sleeping if the games make your child excitable, the inconvenience this may cause to the other members of the family, ...
Our advice
A small tip, to better control the games of your child on console, is to install in front of the TV screen of the show and put dvd and cd-roms games. Not transportable, it is easier to frame the activity as well. Avoid TV in the room until adolescence.

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