April 23, 2024

How to fight against sweaty hands

Palmar hyperhidrosis, a learned name for hand sweating, can be a real handicap in social life as well as in professional life. You can not shake hands anymore, everything slips your hands. Using a keyboard, playing an instrument, holding a tennis racket or operating with rubber gloves becomes a real ordeal.

Causes of this very localized sweating, are often an excess of emotion, fear or stress.
If you notice that your hands become unusually moist before an important meeting, professional or sentimental, before an examination, know that this phenomenon is not irremediable and that several solutions are available to you.

If perspiration remains very punctual and scarce, behavioral and cognitive therapy can help you learn to master your emotions so that they no longer trigger this hand wetness. In the same vein, hypnosis like acupuncture can be quite effective.

In local treatment, aluminum chloride, in gel, is applied before sleeping on the dry and clean skin of the palms of the hands. You can use gloves to promote penetration of the product. The next morning, rinse your hands thoroughly. Repeat the operation for two or three nights and the wet hands will gradually disappear, because the aluminum chloride neutralizes the sweat glands.

Another solution is to inject botulinum toxin type A Botox®. The session, without anesthesia, does not exceed 20 minutes and is virtually painless. This makes it possible to deactivate the sweat glands at the injected places. Often the combination of aluminum chloride and A Botox® may be the most effective way to remove this phenomenon.

The iontophorèse is also part of the possible treatments. This is to diffuse a very weak electric current in the palms of the hands. It takes three sessions a week, 20 minutes each, for three weeks, to extend or not depending on the patient, spacing sessions.
In heavy cases, surgery can destroy the sympathetic ganglia that control sweating. However, it can cause irreversible problems, so it is best to avoid using it.

In prevention, avoid consuming drinks that are too hot or too cold coffee, beer or alcohol. Reduce the use of pepper, peppers or mustard. Eat foods high in zinc and copper, such as liver, oysters, shellfish or sardines, moderately.
Some medications are to be avoided and your doctor will tell you.

Our advice
If you suffer from severe hyperhidrosis of the hands, get closer to the France Hyperhidrosis Association to exchange with other people suffering from these symptoms.

Dr. Oz Explains Sweat (April 2024)