April 23, 2024

How to flirt a toy boy without necessarily being a cougar?

If for a long time no one had to see a man with pepper and salt hair appear with a pretty young woman of 10 years his youngest, the taboo has long remained stubborn when it comes to mature women who would venture out with a "little kid". And yet, this scheme is going to enter the mores. Do not worry about the TV evenings, the absence of a husband who does not look at you anymore. Looking for a fountain of youth and new excitement? Why not find him in the arms of a younger man.
You go out for a drink with your friends, and you meet the eyes of a very handsome young man when you order your drinks at the bar. Tonight, it's your prey and no question of being yourself the prey of those who usually put the hook on it, without originality, always a little vulgar ...

The target: he is young, tall, brown, and surrounded by small groupies desperate to attract his attention. As he is very handsome, he has the habit of having at his feet a kind of gesticulating course, and he always ends up choosing, jaded, certainly the one that will make the most effort to win his preference. But tonight, it's with you that he will want to leave.

If you are a little older than him it is an asset. It is well known, the twins (or toy boy) love only mature women or older than them (Madonna, Demi Moore, Halle Berry ...). The point that will make the difference with those that turn around like bees, will be your ability to stay natural without doing too much, to assume your personality, and all knowing to put you forward without it happening for arrogance . You have the right (and it is advisable!) To put your maturity forward. You are not hysterical, you are not tipsy after a glass of beer, and you have shapes (yes, the groupies that turn around the fop are flat and all dressed like) that you know how to highlight.

The toy boy enjoys being the object of desire of a woman a little more mature than him. This idea simply persuades him that he himself is important. Seeing a woman as you seduce him will produce as a break with his routine (which is to be courted by minettes): you are not like the others. The twink will be flattered that a woman like you wants to seduce him. It never happens to him. Usually he only has to pick. There, already, you stand out, you are unique.

The advantage you have is that whatever happens, it is not the twink who will choose you, but you will choose who you choose. With your assets, you will not leave him the choice, and he will be surprised at the turn that takes this new way of doing, yours. You are mature, so you know how to play with the fire of seduction and how to master the progressive stages towards the long-awaited moment when you will meet again, and that you will finally be able to let yourself go in his arms.

Warning: The toy boy should not feel like you're his mother. It's not at all what he's looking for. He is looking for a good woman in his sneakers (or stiletto heels), which does not make tons to strut. Show him that you are not trying to seduce him to marry him. You wanted to seduce him because you liked him and not because you immediately saw in his eyes the possibility of starting a family. You are here to have fun. And him too.

The risk with such a method is that not only the cute twink, the toy boy that you covet, found in front of such a deployment of qualities, but also you expose yourself to the desire of other men present ... and there you will be spoiled for choice. Hard, hard to be attractive!

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