April 19, 2024

How to screen for breast cancer?

Even though screening organized by the Ministry of health does not start until age 50, 30% of cancers are diagnosed before this age. Hence the benefit of being prescribed a mammogram by his gynecologist or his doctor from the age of 30, a test that you must then renew every two years.

Mammography, instructions for use

Mammography is an x-ray of both breasts that is done standing and bare bust in a medical center where a device will compress your breasts. It is advisable to perform it at the beginning of the cycle, when the breasts are the least painful and it is also recommended to apply no cream before. After the exam, the doctor will then examine your breasts and palpate them for any abnormality.
In general, a complementary ultrasound is then performed, to better visualize the ganglia, because all women have benign cysts in the breasts, but they are not clever.
If the doctor has a doubt, he will then order a biopsy, which is a slightly more painful examination. It is performed under local anesthesia, at the suspected area.
It is more difficult to examine a woman with small breasts, which is why an MRI is recommended, especially for women at risk. It allows to visualize with extreme precision the details that a traditional radiography does not allow.

Our advice
To properly track a breast cancerwe must redouble our vigilance. You can practice self-examination, at the end of your cycle, to detect any size ... Observe your breasts in a mirror to see if they do not change shape or if your nipples have no abnormality: flow, texture change ...

Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Revised (April 2024)