May 3, 2024

How to stay Zen in public transport?

Delays, deletions, incidents, sick travelers. For public transport users, the problems are numerous and frequent, even daily. The journey then becomes a real ordeal, and especially a source of stress and annoyance. To approach this moment with more tranquility and relaxation, and you avoid some nasty anguishes and nervous crises, today gives you some practical tips, to stay zen in the public transport, and this, whatever circumstances. What will you change your life!


1. Meditate
This woman, screaming in her cell phone, as if she were alone in the world, annoys you? Or this man, who reads his diary peacefully, sitting on his jump seat, while the crowd abounds and it becomes difficult to breathe? These are situations that you face daily, and that prevent you from being serene. To achieve this, however, there is a very simple, and very effective, method called "the bubble of meditation protection ". It is enough here to direct his energy on a part of his body, to be able to relax. So, if you are lucky enough to sit, start by comfortably stopping your back, and relax the muscles of your legs. Then go through them gradually, mentally, from the feet to the buttocks. This concentration will allow you to ignore the rest and relax. On the other hand, if you are standing, spread your feet the width of your shoulders. Then visualize and feel the triangle formed by your legs and the floor between your feet. This base gives you stability and allows you to absorb jolts. You then become aware of the energy that is in your feet, and your strength. A good way to relax.


2. Prepare your day
You can also use the transport time between home and work to mentally prepare your day. List of things to do, people to see or questions to ask, from your meetings or appointments. This will give you some psychological comfort and allow you to focus on something other than your transport conditions (noise, overcrowding, heat...). A way to apprehend, also, a little more serenely, your day to come.

3. To empty your head

You can also, simply, take advantage of this moment to empty your head, to think no more about nothing. So think of listening to relaxing music on your mp3, or taking an entertaining, relaxing book for you to escape. You will see the difference right away.




For more information, Petit Traité de Zenitude, by Marie Pascale and Anne-Sophie Boutry, published by Larousse.