April 24, 2024

How to wear the bolero?

The bolero wins a great success on all fashion podiums (Vanessa Bruno, Marni ...). It must be said that it brings an unexpected touch to any type of outfit.
Big or small, the bolero is made for you. If you are very tall and thin, your bolero can be paired with a cropped trousers, rolled-up jeans at the bottom and flat ballerinas. It will also go perfectly with a combination dress or fluid skirt with wedge heels or slim toes. On the other hand if you are small, prefer the association bolero, mini trapeze dress (which avoids cutting the silhouette) and boots.
For an original look, relax your bolero. Associate a bolero in (fake) fur with leggings and flat heels. Play the overlays and mix the precious materials with the more rustic materials.
In cocktail or evening, the bolero give your eternal little black dress such a personal twist that everyone will forget that you have already worn it 100 times! The long fluid dresses will find in a bolero in lace an ideal partner.

Our advice
To choose your bolero, pay attention to volumes: avoid too stiff fabrics and avalanches of knots. Opt for small patterns and easy colors to marry, neither too pastel (too retro!) Nor too loaded.

3 Ways to Style Bolero Jackets- Diya Style Edit (April 2024)