April 20, 2024

How to wear the strapless dress?

Very feminine, the strapless dress has many advantages: it sublimates the shoulders and it is not necessary to accessorize it with jewels. It is easy to wear. If you do not like high heels, you will still tend if you combine it with ballerinas or even sophisticated flip-flops.
For the little ones, prefer a short strapless dress,she will highlight you while highlighting your figure.
In summer, large can bet on lengths and fluids, and play on the effect of transparency. The summer dress has the advantage of erasing some curves. If your shoulders are fine, wear a big belt around the waist, this accessory will highlight them.
If you are rather round, choose the ball version. This model has the advantage of skilfully camouflage curves and gives a very feminine retro look. With high heels, a floral print dress will emphasize your silhouette while enhancing your shapes. You can complete your outfit with leggings, to bring a more casual touch, while remaining fashionable.
In the evening, you can accessorize your dress with a clutch and wear high heels. For a Evening dress, black is essential, you will be sure not to make a misstep.
Our advice
If you have shoulders a little too robust, prefer a strapless dress long, fluid and draped to forget your build.

Fashion Advice: Dresses : How to Wear a Strapless Dress (April 2024)