April 25, 2024

Hygiene: What toothbrush do you want to use?

The ideal toothbrush
It must be flexible or medium and provided with a small head to brush in difficult areas, inter-dental spaces, where bacteria are housed.
It's the wear that makes you change your brush to teeth. If you keep it for more than 4 months, it means that you do not use it often enough.
Attention, if the hairs of your brush are already loose in about ten days, it is because you use it badly. Pressing too hard crushes the hair and nothing is washed. Whatever the brush is the end of the hair that works.

The ones you do not have to buy
Do not take a hard brush, much too aggressive. Especially since brushing vigorously scours only the raised parts, it is an illusion of efficiency and therefore cleanliness.
There are still boar bristle brushes on the market. It's a heresy when you know that not only are these hairs harmful to teeth and traumatizing for the gums, but in addition they store bacteria because they are hollow.
Manufacturers are turning more and more to design, ergonomic handles, bi-materials, but it's the head and the hairs that remain the most important.
If there is a flexible joint in the head or between the head and the handle, it is a bad brush. The soft head discards when brushing. To retransmit correctly the movements of the hand the handle must be rigid.

Manual, electric or battery powered toothbrush?
Some brushes are unpleasant to use and to register in the long term it is a factor not to be neglected. Brushing must be comfortable and enjoyable.
It's really a question of taste. All is well to use the brush to teeth that we choose. We can completely alternate models.
Manual brush Of course, you have to do the right thing, which is not easy for everyone.
Rechargeable electric brush : be careful, do not try to reproduce the gestures of the manual with the electric. Do not brush, she is supposed to do it alone. This brush is recommended for people who can not fully understand effective brushing. They are more technical but also more expensive. Note that they are sold in the household electrical department. Some brands offer compatible heads for rechargeable and battery-powered electric models.
Battery brush: there is no significant difference with the previous one. The brushing principle is the same. You have more choice and it is good value for money. This may be a way to become familiar with electric brushing before moving on to a more technical brush.

Why do you wash your teeth? 
A good hygiene prevents not only cavities and gum problems, but also bad breath.
This is the only way to remove dental plaque that is deposited on the teeth All day long. Invisible but harmful, this soft, sticky and viscous deposit is attached to the edge of the gums and between teeth. If it is not removed daily, it will turn into hard deposit, tartar, which promotes gum problems.

Effective brushing
It's not the tool that does the brushing. Even with sophisticated equipment if brushing is poorly done, it will not be effective.
A good brushing must be in the long term, be frequent (twice a day ideally) and not too fast. For some people this gesture is tedious. There is, in fact, a real delay of the French, Latin in general, as for thehygiene dental.
You have to not only brush teeth and the gums but also the language. If your gums bleed, there is nothing alarming, decongest them by brushing them for several days.

How to use an electric toothbrush - AJ Hedger (April 2024)