April 19, 2024

I am too naive with men. Fix it in 6 lessons

Naivety also affects men that women. And for good reason: it is universal. When we are in love, we sometimes believe everything the other person tells us. Without doubting for a moment his words. Moreover, as the saying goes: "Love makes you blind". And that's true.

Defuse misunderstandings
From the beginning of a friendly relationship between a man and an women misunderstandings can arise. For example, you give seduction advice to your best friend. The next day, he is convinced that you have only eyes for him. Suddenly, the discomfort settles between you. For you, everything was clear.

Another well-known case of women naive: theman unable to commit. He spends the night with you, tells you words of love, promises you an eternal love and vanishes into nature a few days later.

But naivety also exists within the couple. Adultery and masturbation are also the most common secrets. And we always fall down when we discover them.

However, in all these situations, several clues could have alerted you. Fortunately, it is quite possible to be less credulous on a daily basis. How to do ? We will explain everything to you.

Beware of male-female friendships
The man-woman friendship is often subject to confusion. Because there is always one, who hopes for something other than a simple friendship. It is better to know before accepting a drink with a friend.
Stay yourself
Whenever you fall in love, you become a true chameleon. He likes the bike? You want to pass the permit. He loves hard rock? You only listen to that. And too bad if you are a fan of Abba. Stop! Stay yourself and above all respect yourself.


Send the right messages
When you go out face-to-face with a manyou send him a message, which he understands in his own way. Be clear in your mind but also to him, to avoid any misunderstanding.
Ask for proof
He says he loves you? Instead of igniting yourself, ask your Apollo for proof of love. And do not engage unless you are sure of his feelings.
Respect yourself
Chouchou is available only on Tuesday when you have something else planned? Try to find a compromise that satisfies both of you. Otherwise, too bad for him. It's not your turn to give in every time. But to him to understand that you do not always go after him.
open your eyes
It's not about becoming paranoid and looking for evidence in the house like a Cluedo. But to remain attentive to the warning signals. If anything sounds suspicious, talk to your man. Because even if the truth is not always good to hear, it is better sometimes to know it.

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