April 24, 2024

I'm going out with a colleague: should I talk about it?

8am: You arrive at work at the same time. And since it's been two months, your colleagues are starting to chat and carve you. You are in love with your colleague and so far everything was beautiful, fresh and new. But the question arises: should it be known to the rest of the team, or should it be kept for oneself? In both cases, it is a situation that causes many complications. because so many of couples train at the office, spreading his private life with his colleagues / superiors is not without consequences.

Should we talk about it? And when ?
If you decide to let it know, to expose your relationship to the big day, you have to be sure of yourself. It is obvious that spreading one's intimacy in front of others is not always a good idea, especially in the context of work. It will therefore, obviously, play fine. Whatever the context, it is never pleasant to witness the fiery couple, to their love tweets and to feel too much. It is important to distinguish the moments of concentration related to work and those of relaxation. Not to mention that this privileged relationship between you and your colleague can generate many jealousies, especially if you are the superior of your half (or the opposite), you risk under any pretext to accuse you of favoritism. You will need to be very vigilant with your darling, your other colleagues, and yourself.
If on the contrary you prefer to keep your relationship confidential, for the well-being of your couple, keep a secret garden, and especially do not mix (even more) privacy / pro life, you will inevitably be faced with obstacles: your colleagues will have the curiosity sharpened by your identical whereabouts, your holidays taken at the same time, all these little details that will betray in spite of you the story that you live with your colleague.
On the other hand, keeping this bond for both of you can be a real love booster. Indeed, if you have to play the game all day, be cordial to each other, act like classmates, it can turn out to be an exhilarating role-playing game. The complicity that unites you will prove to be your best asset to succeed in combining the two parts of your life.

In the face of rumors, denial?
Rumors ? Either you play comedy (oh well? Naaann?! Anything!) Or you do not dislike nor approve (well ... maybe ... who knows ...). In both cases you blur the tracks, and your colleagues very curious will not get any additional ingredients to feed the gossips ...
But playing the game all the time can become boring, tiring. And the fear of betraying you, the constant pressure not to reveal the secret that unites you to your colleague / love can be the source of real stress. The sounds of the corridor are likely to go well, and your other colleagues will certainly try to make you revelations against your will.
No matter what happens, do not you say that if you yourself never reveal anything, other colleagues may well suspect you of having an idyll with one of the team members, you hold the key to the mystery and the doubt hover.
Little trick
Just try not to fall ill the same day by giving the same excuse. Your colleagues are curious and nosy certainly, but do not give the stick to beat you!


Girl Chat: Would You Ever Date a Co-Worker? (April 2024)