April 16, 2024

Libra Horoscope 2015 - Love

Balance Horoscope 2015 - your love future!

First trimester
: Often, you overlook your relationship problems, so as not to provoke open war with your spouse or partner. But this time, you will react very differently. Refusing categorically to adopt the policy ostrich, you will seek, on the contrary, to discover the root causes of some serious disagreements with each other. And you will decide to discuss it with him, without detours or hypocrisy. It will be rather difficult, perhaps even painful, but this franchise will be very rewarding. And you will be able to give your couple a stronger, more stable foundation. If you are free, you will find that the happy single life is not so happy, after all! Well, rest assured, this time you will have a great chance to make a decisive meeting, which will pleasantly upset your life.
Second trimester : The temptation will be strong to impose your will on your spouse or partner and to show a great intransigence on it. However, if you agree to establish a true dialogue with the other and to treat as an equal with him, you will quickly realize that this relationship is infinitely more satisfying for both of you. Moreover, the opportunity will be offered to strengthen your bonds of complicity with each other. Many singles will meet their lives during this time.
Third trimester : Thanks to the kindness of Venus, you will have the opportunity to strengthen your bonds of complicity with your spouse or partner. If you agree to play this card thoroughly, you can significantly improve your relationship, and happiness will brighten your life together. Single, you will be coveted, but it will be very difficult to put the rope around your neck! Independent to the tips of your nails, you will not want to sacrifice your freedom. However, the person you meet this time may well change your mind!
Fourth trimester If you have difficulties in your life as a couple, try to settle them as soon as possible. Then, a painful climate of mistrust will settle between you and your spouse or partner. This is why long-term couples will have to be particularly vigilant. It will be up to you to restore harmony. If you are more tender with each other, and if you take into account his desires, your relationships will improve. Single, do not be fooled into adventures that will give you more annoyances than satisfactions. Know that there will be love at first sight in the air.

Libra Horoscope 2015 – Love and New Friendships Ahead – Susan Miller's Glamourscopes (April 2024)