April 19, 2024

Male Fertility: 10 Essential To Know About Sperm

1 milliliter of sperm equals 100 million sperm
Be reassured, a low sperm volume does not mean that fertilization is compromised. Indeed, an ejaculation projects on average between 2 and 6 milliliters of sperm, between 200 and 600 million spermatozoa. The volume of sperm depends on several factors: frequency of intercourse, hydration of the body or the environment. Without knowing it a man alters daily the quality of his sperm because of his lifestyle: tobacco, lack of activity, too tight underwear ...

5% of women are allergic to sperm
This phenomenon is very rare and when it occurs it is often associated with an STD (sexually transmitted disease) or irritation. It is the seminal fluid, ie the liquid that comes into play just before ejaculation, which is responsible for the allergy that can cause edema and therefore be very dangerous. The only effective treatment is the condom, which effectively prevents any contact between the seminal fluid and the mucosa. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your doctor for an allergy test.

Know that sperm is healthy and when there is no allergy there is no danger to keep it in itself, without washing. Except for infectious diseases such as HIV.

Diet influences the taste of sperm
Diet has a major influence on the taste of sperm, as well as its color usually iridescent gray. Red meats, dairy products, onions, garlic and coffee can give bitter and sour taste to sperm. Foods containing natural sugars such as fruits can give it a sweet taste.

Sperm is rich in protein and vitamins!
Sperm is composed of 10% spermatozoa. The rest is composed of enzymes, vitamin C and B12, calcium, protein, sodium, zinc, citric acid and fructose. For 5 ml of sperm (the equivalent of a teaspoon), the nutritional values ​​are as follows:
- Calories: 20kcal
- Fat: 6mg
- Carbohydrates: 11mg
- Cholesterol: 3mg
- Protein: 150mg

The first ejaculation occurs around the age of 13-14 years
The first ejaculation can not occur before puberty. It usually occurs one year after the onset of penis growth, around the age of 13-14, but this can vary between boys. Most of the time, the first ejaculation occurs during sleep but some boys will only have it during their first sexual relationship.

Hypospermia and hyperspermia, poorly understood sperm conditions
Hypospermia is a disorder of ejaculation characterized by a sperm volume of less than 2ml. The origin of this pathology is located at the level of the seminal vesicles or results from the obstruction of the ejaculatory channels. We talk about hyperspermia when the volume of sperm exceeds 6ml. This disorder must be investigated for possible infection of the accessory glands (seminal vesicle and prostate). Too much sexual abstinence can also be the cause. Although ejaculate is greater than 6mL, hyperspermia can cause infertility because of the dilution of sperm and the rapid evacuation of sperm during intercourse.

The medical examination of sperm is the spermogram
The spermogram is the main examination to detect male infertility. It can be used to accurately evaluate data such as sperm count, sperm motility, sperm size and shape, sperm volume, and sperm count. It is done in a hospital with a sample of sperm, collected on site.

The sperm quality of the French is declining
According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Health Surveillance between 1989 and 2006, sperm of the French would have lost in quality. The sperm concentration in our men would be decreasing at the rate of 2% each year. Another disturbing element, the morphology of spermatozoa would be at this day, more and more atypical. A phenomenon due mainly to changing nutritional and environmental factors such as overweight, inactivity, tobacco, new eating habits ...

Diet and sleep play an important role in sperm quality
Poor eating habits such as too much fat and saturated fat, or too much alcohol and not enough water directly affect the quality of sperm. Secretion of seminal material and motility of spermatozoa are impaired. To keep a good quality sperm, we must focus on protein, vegetables, fish and whole grains and especially have a healthy lifestyle: play sports, limit tobacco and alcohol and sleep like a baby!

The life span of a sperm is 2 to 5 days
After ejaculation, in the womb, a sperm can survive for 2 to 5 days. This is why sexual intercourse practiced a few days before ovulation can trigger a pregnancy. In the open air, the lifespan of a spermatozoon is about ten minutes.

Male Fertility - Supporting Sperm Health 101 (April 2024)