April 19, 2024

Maternity: 17 teenagers get pregnant at the same time

Rest assured this time it's just pure fiction. This is the first feature film of Delphine and Muriel Coulin, "17 girls", which is released Wednesday in theaters. Phew! But three years ago, reality has gone beyond fiction! This film is indeed inspired by a news item that occurred in 2008 in a small American city, Gloucester, also located at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. The idea of ​​this film came from reading the newspaper: "It was a city of 100,000 inhabitants, like Lorient, at the edge of the Atlantic even though it is on the other side. main activities are fishing and the commercial port, with declining industrial activity ". "These are cities where they say there is no future (...)". Despite the distance, these two cities are very similar

In this film, teenage girls do not want to submit to the code of traditional good behavior. Camille, played by Louise Grinberg, leads the sixteen other teenagers into the uterine adventure. They pick up the boys, party, sleep with them and fall all pregnant. Pregnancy is seen as an act of rebellion. While parents and teachers do not understand this provocative and daring choice, teenswho, however, have love to spare, denounce through this gesture the rotten world in which they live.

These pregnancies will unite them. Stay in band, from pregnancy test todelivery, raise her children together ... the 17 girls from Lorient remain primarily teenagers. They "smoke, continue to drink during pregnancy," says Muriel Coulin, saying the doctors consulted told them that it was often the case. "They are teenagers, who brave the danger." Filmed at their height, although the point of view of adults is present, the film is likely to feed many debates, especially with parents. What do you think ?

Teen Pregnancy in America (April 2024)