April 25, 2024

Migraines: the things that work

An effective cure that all migraineurs know is to lie down in a bed, in the dark, far from any noise. If this technique does not cure, it allows at least to calm the pain of migraine. Just like rest: sleep is often a precious ally.

Having a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep at regular times, fleeing too rich meals ... are all simple and effective solutions to prevent any crisis from happening.

When migraine is there, some patients sit on the temple a pocket or a washcloth filled with ice, cold having an analgesic action. Otherwise, a slow and rotating massage on the temple will also calm the pain. There are also mint-flavored "roll-on" products on the temple to benefit from aromatherapy.

Caffeine is also an excellent anti-migraine. Drinking a coffee or a large glass of Cola during a crisis often helps to alleviate the suffering. Absorbing a lot of water can also reduce the number of seizures and soothe them when they appear.

Other non-drug solutions include relaxation, such as yoga or sophrology, or the practice of regular physical activity to reduce stress, which is responsible for migraines.

In addition, some patients have found valuable help in Natural Healing. Why not try acupuncture, homeopathy or osteopathy to defeat migraines?

Treating Migraine (April 2024)